

  • February 18, 2024
    We investigated the prevalence of 'cum play' and its context among 1153 HIV-negative and 147 HIV-positive Australian gay men in an online survey. The exchange of semen, often referred to as 'cum play,' has featured in gay literature and may be a unique aspect of many gay men's sexual behavior.  
    Now with PrEP there’s basically no risk – other than with run-of-the-mill STIs that can be cured it’s all pretty much safe sex these days – which isn’t nearly as fun. So for me sex has always been a game of calculated risk. I mean I came out in 1989 – so for the first 7 years of my gay life sex...
    The legalizing of same-sex relationships is vital for equality, and improves the psychological, physical, and social well-being of LGBTQ+ communities. While these developments are a great step forward on paper, in reality the country does still have a long way to go, with hate crimes against...
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